When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Written By: The Champion Firm Team

Date Posted: 07.14.24

Category: Personal Injury

Suffering an injury can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, usually accompanied by physical pain, discomfort, and financial burdens. This is particularly the case when an injury is caused by a third party’s wrongdoing.

If you’re injured at the hands of another, you can have a valid claim against the responsible party. In these situations, it’s important to understand when to hire a personal injury lawyer in Austell as doing so can significantly impact your ability to seek compensation and obtain a favorable case result.

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What is a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Personal injury lawyers have the same education and training as other types of lawyers. What sets these attorneys apart is their desire to help injured individuals seek justice and fair compensation for their losses.

Generally, personal injury lawyers are kind, compassionate, and caring. They fiercely advocate for their client’s rights, do everything to protect their best interests, and aggressively pursue favorable case results.

Types of Cases Personal Injury Attorneys Handle

Personal injury lawyers practice personal injury, or “tort,” law. This broad area of law allows injured victims to recover financially from the parties at fault for their injuries and related losses. As such, personal injury attorneys often handle the following types of cases:

  • Premises liability cases, including slip and falls and dog bites
  • Vehicular collisions, including car and truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Rideshare accidents
  • Product liability cases
  • Wrongful death cases

Not all personal injury lawyers handle the same types of cases. Some attorneys choose to focus on a select few types of injury cases. For this reason, when you’re injured in an accident, it’s best to seek legal assistance from an injury lawyer who has extensive experience handling claims similar to yours.

How Personal Injury Lawyer Can Benefit Your Case

Many injured victims understand hiring a personal injury lawyer is the “right” thing to do but don’t know why. If you’re thinking about hiring a personal injury attorney, it’s important to know how this type of lawyer can benefit your case and help you reach a favorable case result.

The following are just some of the benefits you can expect when you hire a personal injury attorney.

Clarifying Your Legal Rights

When you’re injured by a third party, you may not even realize you have legal rights, much less know what these rights entail. From the moment you first meet with an injury lawyer, they can explain your rights and help you understand what they mean for your case and future claim.

Creating a Plan for Your Case

When you’re injured in an accident, you may have more than one way to seek financial recovery. Based on the specifics of your case, a personal injury lawyer can provide direction and a clear plan for your case.

Knowing what to expect can make you feel more secure as you proceed with your claim and give you peace of mind.

Handling All Case-Related Tasks

Navigating a personal injury claim can be particularly challenging. Fortunately, when you have a knowledgeable lawyer on your side, you don’t have to worry about doing it alone.

When you hire an attorney, your lawyer can take on your case and handle all necessary tasks. These usually include:Investigating your accident case

  • Investigating your accident: Not all injury cases are straightforward. Your lawyer can thoroughly investigate your situation to gather information and start building a strong case.
  • Calculating your damages: Knowing how much your case is worth is key to ensuring you receive full and fair compensation. Your attorney can evaluate your claim to assign a proper dollar amount and pursue compensation based on their calculations.
  • Proving liability: Establishing the other party’s liability is crucial to the success of your claim. Your lawyer will take every step necessary to prove the other party’s fault, like satisfying all elements of negligence.
  • Collecting evidence: Evidence is essential for personal injury claims. Your attorney can determine what evidence is needed to substantiate your claims and gather what they need, from witness statements to medical records.
  • Engaging in settlement negotiations: At some point, you’ll reach a point where your lawyer will need to negotiate for a just settlement on your behalf. Personal injury attorneys have the experience and skills needed to represent your best interests at all times and work toward achieving a beneficial agreement.
  • Going to court: Not all personal injury cases go to trial, as a majority of these types of cases settle outside the courtroom. Still, if your case is best handled in court, you can rely on your lawyer to continue representation until the very end.

From the biggest tasks to the smallest details, you can trust your personal injury attorney will handle your case timely and efficiently.

Protecting Your Best Interests

If there is one thing a personal injury lawyer knows how to do, it is to protect their client’s best interests at all times throughout their case. This is crucial, as insurance companies are difficult to deal with.

Insurance companies are known to employ sneaky tactics to harm and undervalue victims’ claims. Getting away with these things is easier when a victim chooses to go unrepresented.

When you have a personal injury lawyer, you can rest assured the insurance company cannot take advantage of you or ruin your claim. Attorneys know what to expect from most insurers and how to protect you at every turn.

Pursuing a Just Outcome on Your Behalf

As an injured victim, you have the right to file your claim and handle it on your own, representing yourself throughout the process. Still, more often than not, having a seasoned attorney on your side will yield a much more advantageous result.

When you hire a personal injury lawyer, you can feel confident knowing you have a strong legal advocate on your side who will stop at nothing to get you the outcome you deserve.

Providing Support and Guidance

Suffering an injury can be challenging in so many ways, and sometimes, you need to feel like you’re not alone. When you hire a personal injury lawyer, you’re never alone in the process. Having an attorney on your side means having a strong supporter who’s available to provide guidance, advice, and direction whenever needed.

Scenarios When Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney is Advisable

Not all situations that involve an injury require legal representation from a personal injury lawyer. However, if you’re faced with any of the following scenarios, you’re more likely to benefit from hiring an experienced attorney.

You’ve Suffered Injuries in an Accident

First and foremost, if you suffer an injury in an accident caused by another party’s unreasonable action, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer right away. This is especially the case if you’ve sustained serious, life-threatening injuries. The more severe your injuries, the more compensation you’ll need, and the greater your need for representation in your legal battle.

Your Related Losses are Extensive

One of the primary reasons for filing a personal injury claim is to pursue compensation for your tangible and intangible losses. If you’ve suffered significant losses after an accident, a personal injury lawyer can help you recover damages. You can be entitled to receive compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost earnings
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability

There are additional damages for which you can receive compensation. A personal injury lawyer can assess the extent of your losses and work to get you the financial recovery you need.

Liability is Disputed

Complex Legal IssuesWhen you’re involved in an accident of any sort, it’s not uncommon to find yourself in a “he said, she said” situation. Nobody wants to take the blame for an accident, but someone has to be responsible for their wrongdoings.

Liability is particularly a problem when dealing with insurance companies. Insurers will try to shift the blame onto you to limit their liability in hopes of paying little to nothing for your claim.

If liability for your accident is disputed, do not wait to hire a personal injury lawyer. When another party is at fault for your accident and resulting injuries, your attorney can establish their liability to seek just compensation.

Your Case Involves Complex Legal Issues

Some personal injury matters are complicated, requiring the unique skill of a personal injury lawyer. If your claim involves convoluted legal issues, such as federal regulations or involved medical malpractice procedures, let an attorney handle it for the best results.

The Insurance Company is Being Difficult

It’s no secret insurance companies are not easy to deal with, and nobody knows this better than personal injury attorneys. Insurers will make claims more difficult than they need to be by, for example, working slowly and delaying the process. If you’ve filed an insurance claim and the insurer is giving you trouble, don’t bother with them any longer. Put your case in the hands of a personal injury lawyer.

You’ve Received a Quick Settlement Offer

Among the many tactics insurance companies use to get their way, the quick settlement is one of the most utilized. After an accident, it should come as no surprise if you find yourself presented with a settlement offer much quicker than you should have received one. The insurance company does this for multiple reasons.

Insurers hope you want to settle your claim quickly and put money in your pocket as soon as possible. Also, when it’s too early on in the claims process, it’s difficult to know the full extent of your injuries and losses. This can result in accepting a settlement that, in the long run, was insufficient.

If you receive a settlement offer from the insurance company, do not accept it without first consulting with a personal injury lawyer. Accepting a settlement offer puts an end to your claim, and you won’t be able to pursue more compensation in the future. An attorney can evaluate the offer and negotiate if necessary.

The Statute of Limitations is Quickly Approaching

Every state has a statute of limitations for personal injury cases. A statute of limitations is a law that imposes a strict time limit on a plaintiff’s right to file a legal claim. Statutes of limitations do not give more than just a few years, and depending on your state’s law and your specific claim, you may even have as little as one year.

If your statute of limitations deadline is quickly approaching, don’t wait to take your case to a personal injury attorney. A lawyer can handle all pre-lawsuit steps and ensure your claim is filed timely.

When is the Best Time to Consult with a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Simply put, the best time to consult with a personal injury attorney is “right away.” Time is of the essence with injury claims, and you need to move quickly. Waiting too long to file your claim can result in forfeiting your rights to pursue fair financial recovery.

After your accident, you should take a little time to focus on your physical recovery and mental state. Then, as soon as you’re ready, schedule a consultation with a local personal injury lawyer to discuss your case and get started on your claim.

A Personal Injury Attorney can Help You Reach a Favorable Case Result

Favorable Case ResultKnowing when to hire a personal injury lawyer can make all the difference in the outcome of your case and your ability to recover monetarily. By assessing your specific circumstances, understanding the intricacies of personal injury claims, and consulting with a knowledgeable attorney, you can protect your legal rights and interests and make the most informed decisions.

Sometimes, an accident victim might think that the circumstances of their case are simple and straightforward and that they don’t need to hire an attorney. This is nearly always a mistake. Insurance companies have a lot of experience with finding ways to deny or undervalue claims. The best way to make sure they don’t is by seeking the guidance of an experienced lawyer near you.

During times of stress and anxiety following an injury, a personal injury attorney can provide invaluable guidance, advocacy, and comfort. Whether your lawyer negotiates for a settlement or litigates your case in court, they will navigate your claim on your behalf, allowing you to focus on recovery and rebuilding.

About the Author

The Champion Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. is a full-service personal injury law firm serving the greater Metro Atlanta area. Our award-winning team of attorneys specializes in car accidents, wrongful death, premises liability, and slip-and-fall cases. Learn more about our team here.